Peppy Persimmon Smoothie

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Peppy Persimmon Smoothie

Persimmons are often overlooked with the turning of the seasons as we scamper to make all things pumpkin and apple, but they are a true gem of autumn.

There are two widely available kinds of persimmon in the US – Fuyu and Hachiya.  It’s important to tell them apart because they’re eaten differently.  Fuyu are squatty and somewhat flat.  They’re typically eaten while still firm either peeled or unpeeled.  I’ve only purchased Fuyu a handful of times because we much prefer Hachiya. Hachiya are oblong and acorn-shaped.  They must be really ripe and really, really soft before they are enjoyed (actually, if you try to eat one too soon it likely WON’T be enjoyed as its high levels of tannins can leave you with the feeling of a dry mouth – this subsides as the fruit ripens).  Since we’re in the midwest, the Hachiya we come across at the grocery store are typically unripe and hard and we bring them home to sit on the counter for a week or more before they’re ready to be used. Their soft, custard-like insides are perfect for a smoothie! We love this simple concoction as it really allows the subtle persimmon flavor to shine! Speaking of the flavor, it can be hard to describe, but we feel like it tastes something like a muted blend of apricot and mango.

Peppy Persimmon Smoothie


  • 2 c. cold water

  • 2 very ripe Hachiya persimmons

  • 1 c. frozen, sliced zucchini (steamed and frozen cauliflower works well too)

  • 1 1/2 frozen bananas, broken into chunks

  • 1 tbs. cashew butter


  1. Pour water into blender jar.

  2. Slice tops off of persimmons and squeeze the insides into blender. Discard the tops & skins.

  3. Add zucchini, banana, and cashew butter to blender and blitz until smooth.


Cashew butter is strongly recommended here.  Other nut butters can have too strong a flavor that can easily overpower the persimmon. Cashew butter is pretty neutral, but still lends a nice substance to the smoothie and adds some healthy fats in there too.

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